Table of Contents
Foreword by Dr. John Perkins
List of Contributors
List of Illustrations and Charts
Nehemiah Strategy
Chart for Going Upstream
Organizing Model for Social Justice
Introduction: Going Upstream by Jill Shook
PART I: The Foundation
1. Our Nation’s Housing Crisis—Terry Carter and Jill Shook
2. Ownership, Land, and Jubilee Justice—Lowell Noble with Ed Mahoney, Bert Newton, and Jill Shook
PART II: Tangible Structures
Introduction to Chapter 1: Two Models of Sweat Equity—Edward F. Moncrief
3. Habitat for Humanity and Peachtree Presbyterian Church (Atlanta, Gerogia)—Millard Fuller
Introduction to Chapter 4: Church of the Saviour’s Inward and Outward Journey—Marian Bray
4. Jubilee Housing (Washington, D.C.)—Susan P. Ortmeyer and Jill Shook
Introduction to Chapter 5: Adaptive Reuse Model—Jill Shook and Anthony Manousos
5. An Ex-Prison (Atlanta, Georgia) by Bob Lupton and an Abandoned Hospital (Chicago, Illinois)—Mary Nelson
Introduction to Chapter 6: Tenants Taking Ownership—Shane Claiborne and Anthony Manousos
6. Change from the Inside Out (Los Angeles, California)—Paul A. Smith
Introduction to Chapter 7: Mixed Use and Mixed Income—Jill Shook
7. The Point (Denver, Colorado)—Ray Sranske and Marilyn Stranske
Introduction to Chapter 8: Indigenous Property Management—Jill Shook with Anthony Manousos
8. Raising Lazarus from the Dead (Chicago, Illinois)—Richard Townsell
Introduction to Chapter 9: The Co-op Movement and Housing Cooperatives—Jill Shook and Anthony Manousos
9. Mustard Tree Co-op (Detroit, Michigan)—Ronald Spann
Introduction to Chapter 10: The Co-housing Model—Thomas and Christine Sine
10. Temescal Commons (Oakland, California )—J. R. Bergdoll Jr.
Introduction to Chapter 11: Workforce Housing Model—Jill Shook
11. Vista Hermosa (Pasco, Washington)—Roger Bairstow
Introduction to Chapter 12: Community Land Trusts—Jill Shook and Anthony Manousos
12. HOME (Orland, Maine)—Jill Shook
Introduction to Chapter 13: Two Models of Empowerment and Community Transformation—Jill Shook and Lee Blons (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
13. Urban Homeworks: From Mixed Income Duplexes to Community Land Trust Homes—Jill Shook and Anthony Manousos with Urban Homeworks’ Staff
Introduction to Chapter 14: Community Organizing—Robert C. Linthicum
14. The Nehemiah Strategy (South Bronx, New York)—Lee Stuart with John Heinemeier
PART III: Intangible Structures
15. Setting the Stage—Daryn Kobata, Jill Shook, and Anthony Manousos
16. Hopeful Signs and Calls for Change—Jill Shook with Anthony Manousos
17. Getting Started—Andy Krumsieg with Jill Shook